Brandi Kruse
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'Orgasmic' drag king convinces media to help him do damage control
Rather than accept any responsibility for having such poor judgment, Kelsey Wayne played the victim and reached out to local news outlets for help.
October 08, 2024
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A high school teacher turned ‘orgasmic drag king’ is on a local media tour, trying to drum up sympathy for his poor life choices – and there is no shortage of so-called news outlets who are eager to give him a platform.

Last month, unDivided featured a segment on a Peninsula High School teacher named Kelsey Wayne. Several parents alerted us after their children discovered that Wayne was moonlighting as a drag king with quite the stage name: Jack King Goff.

For those who are pure of heart – that’s a play on jacking off. Get it? Jack King Goff.

Moving on.

As I stated several times during the segment, I don’t have a problem with public school teachers who want to do drag shows in their spare time. I’ve been to many a drag show. Some are tame – focusing more on singing or dancing than anything outwardly vulgar. I don’t see much of a difference between those drag performers and a traditional stage performer. Certainly, society wouldn’t look down on a teacher who appeared in theatrical productions. Drag isn’t much different.

Suffice it to say, we wouldn’t dedicate a segment of our show to exposing a teacher just for doing drag. That would be a full-time job in Seattle.

Kelsey Wayne is different for two reasons.

First, the vulgar nature of his public-facing persona and social media posts.

Second, the fact that Wayne was unable – or uninterested – in taking reasonable steps to make sure the vulgar nature of his drag life stayed private.

On social media accounts that have since been made private, Wayne referred to himself as the “Orgasmic Drag King Jack King Goff” with a little squirting emoji.

Again, for the pure of heart, that would represent the “orgasmic” part.

When students found out about the persona, rumor spread quickly – as it often does in a high school setting. After it got to us, Wayne told multiple local news outlets that he felt forced to quit his teaching job because of the negative attention and what he characterized as “bullying.”  

Rather than accept any responsibility for having such poor judgment, Wayne played the victim and reached out to local news outlets for help.

The Stranger, The Tacoma News Tribune, Real Change News, and KIRO 7 News have all reached out to unDivided in recent days asking us to explain ourselves.

What is there to explain?

In each case, the outlets were clearly intent on painting Wayne as the victim of a right-wing, anti-LGBTQ+ smear campaign – and, in the process, letting Wayne completely off the hook for his personal decision making.

Shockingly, The Stranger had what I thought was the least terrible coverage of the ordeal. In part because they didn’t skirt around the key reason we did a segment on Wayne in the first place: the sexual nature of his profiles.

Still, The Stranger excused it as a non-issue, writing “a masturbation pun is not exactly out of orbit for teenagers.”

Yeah ... for teenagers. Not their teacher.

Undermining their own efforts to blame me for Wayne's unemployment, The Stranger went on to admit that even before our coverage, blowback against Wayne was so bad that he hadn’t returned to school in several days.

Note: The Stranger uses Wayne’s preferred pronouns of they/them.

…Wayne learned the Instagram account @phs_crazy, an anonymous, student-run page that bullied queer and minority students at Peninsula High School about their looks and 'cringe' behavior, had discovered that on nights and weekends Wayne performed as the drag king, Jack King Goff.


The district didn’t fire Wayne. They took leave voluntarily after their union advised them to stay home for safety reasons, and they stayed home when the commotion didn’t stop. After a few days passed, when it still seemed plausible they might return to work, conservative commentator Brandi Kruse obliterated any chance of that with a segment on her show, [un]Divided with Brandi Kruse. 


'[The district was] already having a hard time with the community because of the initial Instagram posts, and then the Brandi thing threw kerosene on the fire,' they said. 'I literally can’t do my job because the kids are only going to think about one thing; then they’re not going to be able to focus … And therefore, I’m no longer going to be a competent employee. I hate to say that.'

So, whose fault is that?

Wayne has a public job, where he is paid with taxpayer funds to educate other people’s children. Along with that comes a responsibility to conduct yourself accordingly – both in and out of the classroom.

This is a classic case of someone being mad they got caught. By his own admission, Wayne knew the persona would be a problem if it were uncovered. Yet he chose to maintain it anyway – only making his accounts private once they were discovered.

While The Stranger’s assessment took great pains to paint Wayne as an innocent, wholesome teacher targeted by hate – the real troublesome coverage of Wayne’s self-inflicted ordeal came from the Tacoma News Tribune and KIRO 7 News.

In a lengthy article, the TNT failed to make clear that my key criticism of Wayne was the sexual nature of his posts (only underscoring that point after I sent the author an email). A casual reader would have come away from the article believing I simply hate drag performers and targeted Wayne for that reason.

An English teacher resigned from their teaching job last week through a mutual agreement with the Peninsula School District, after online trolls began attacking their after-hours profession as a drag king on social media and the information was amplified by a local conservative commentator.

But much like The Stranger, TNT was seemingly oblivious to the fact that Wayne’s own statements only serve to prove the point of my criticism.

If students knew they were a drag king, that could be a distraction in the classroom and make it difficult to teach, according to Wayne.

You think?

Wayne started getting a flood of notifications beginning Sept. 6 and into the weekend of the Gig Harbor High vs. Peninsula High Fish Bowl football game, Sept. 7-8. 'All these people are following me and commenting on posts,' Wayne said.

'And I’m like, ‘What’s going on? It’s not like I’ve made a reel or something and it’s gone viral, something’s happened.’ And then I realized it’s a bunch of my former and current students.'


They immediately set the account to private and began blocking and deleting followers that they could tell were their students, former or current. By then, it was too late. Images from their drag king Instagram account spread to Facebook and started getting comments by parents and leaders in the community — some in support of Wayne, others not, according to Wayne.

Again, whose fault is that? It’s easy to blame the scary “conservative commentator.” But did the TNT, which is supposed to be straight-forward news site, ever think to press Wayne on whether he had some responsibility for the series of events?

Of course not.

In fact, the TNT went to extraordinary lengths to explain away what I saw as Wayne’s most problematic post: a picture of him dressed in drag, reading “Lock up your daughters. Jack Goff is here.”

As I pointed out on the show, can you imagine if a straight male teacher called himself “Jack Goff” and posted things like “lock up your daughters"? If I were a parent, I’d have half a mind to call the police.

But according to the TNT, anyone bothered by that post missed an obvious and totally not obscure explanation.

Kruse didn’t mention that Wayne had been dressed up as a hair metal (a subgenre of heavy metal) musician at the time and the line, 'Lock up your daughters,' was a reference to the 1981 song of the same name by the English rock band, Slade. It also appears in the song lyrics to a 1976 song by AC/DC called 'T.N.T.' It’s an allusion to a reoccurring trope in heavy metal and fit the version of the early 'Jack Goff' character Wayne was performing at the time, playing off of stereotypes of rock stars, they said.

Ah yes, because any rational parent would have seen that post and thought, "oh, he must be referring to that 1981 song by English rock band Slade! Nothing to see here folks!”

Good god, we’re doomed.

As for KIRO 7’s story, which aired Monday afternoon, it was about as vapid and shallow as one would expect from a local TV news story.

KIRO 7 TV Reporter Deborah Horne reached out to me for comment just two hours before her story was scheduled to air. She seemed more interested in getting permission to use my videos than she did asking for my side of the story.

Perhaps not shockingly, KIRO 7 glossed over the sexual nature of Wayne’s persona – and didn’t even tell viewers his drag name in broadcast or print, leaving out the most critical part of the story. It sure says something that the name was too inappropriate for TV, yet apparently fine for a high school teacher's public profile.

Again, it was painted as nothing more than an attack on a schoolteacher for the crime of doing drag.

The English teacher quit their job at Peninsula High School on September 30th.  And it happened after a local commentator posted videos revealing the teacher’s side job as a drag performer.


The teacher says they gave up their profession because of this.

Not only is that a complete misrepresentation, but it only furthers divisions – leading viewers to believe that conservatives are ganging up on LGBTQ+ teachers for no good reason.

Most bizarrely, Horne refused to identify me by name in her story – despite my segment being the entire basis for it. She referred to me only as a “local online conservative commentator.” Weirdly, she included a quote I gave her on the record, but didn’t attribute it to me in her print story. That’s a first in all my years in the media.

KIRO 7 heard back from the commentator Wayne accuses of costing them their job.  The commentator says no one forced them to quit.

How weird is that?

The more I read, the more confident I am that we did the right thing in exposing Wayne's poor judgment. He is hardly an outlier in the state's public school system, which seems to have increasingly low standards for the conduct of teachers (See: Operation Indoctrination).

Any who, the lesson is this: If you’re a public teacher and lose your job for doing something dumb, go spin your sob story to the local media – you’ll find a handful of willing, and completely uncritical, supporters.  But if you want them to take the bait, just make sure you blame a conservative for your mistreatment. It'll work every time.



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Never let politics stand in the way of your happiness. And never be too stubborn to change your mind. 



When I first started dating my husband in 2018, I avoided asking who he voted for in the 2016 presidential election. Part of me already knew the answer, but I wanted to bury the uncomfortable truth: he’d voted for Donald J. Trump.

If I’d asked him the question then, I’m not sure we’d be where we are today: happily married and head-over-heels in love.

When we met in the fall of 2018, I was a political reporter at the local FOX-TV affiliate in Seattle and President Trump was less than two years into his first term. While I’ve always been right of Seattle’s hard-left politics – it was difficult to break free from the groupthink of a newsroom. Especially a newsroom in one of the bluest cities in America.

Donald Trump had declared the “fake news” media the enemy of the American people and, in turn, we waged war against him, too.

To be clear, not all our coverage was unfair. It’s the media’s job to hold politicians accountable and there’s no doubt, when it came to Trump, the Fourth Estate took that job seriously. The problem, as I’ve come to realize, was they took it less seriously when it came to Democrats. They still do.

During my years at FOX 13 News, I like to think I did my best to hold Washington state progressives accountable for their failures on homelessness, crime, and the anti-business policies that were driving companies like Amazon to move jobs elsewhere.  But, in truth, I spent far too much time as a local news reporter covering the White House. I even convinced my bosses to send me to the border in 2019 to cover the so-called family separation crisis – an unusual expense for a local newsroom to agree to. It’s worth noting that local FOX affiliates are different from the network and don’t necessarily share the same conservative bias. Ours certainly did not.


My family and friends knew I was vehemently anti-Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and often chided my older brother for flying a Trump flag outside his home in Minnesota. By 2019, I’d moved in with my then-boyfriend – but still avoided talking to him about Trump and left the room when he’d turn on his favorite network news show.   

In hindsight, I had what the right calls Trump Derangement Syndrome. And my diagnosis had the potential to be terminal.

But things started to turn at a most unexpected time.

The January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol had a different effect on me than you might expect. Rather than deepen my disdain for Donald Trump, it opened my eyes to disturbing depths of hypocrisy that I cannot unsee.

I’d just spent six months covering acts of leftwing political violence in Seattle that followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

I watched as cop cars were torched in the streets downtown. My security guard disarmed rioters of stolen police rifles. Stores were looted to the studs – bare manikins left strewn in the streets. Officers were assaulted and hit with improvised explosive devices. My crew was mobbed in what later became known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHOP) – six square blocks surrounding a police precinct that were taken over by armed anti-police extremists. A few days into the occupation, rioters tried to light the precinct on fire after putting quick-drying cement on a door to lock officers in.


Those are just a few examples of what unfolded in Seattle during the racial justice movement of 2020. Our mayor at the time, Jenny Durkan, famously referred to it as a “Summer of Love.” The acts of that summer were ignored and even supported by many in our city’s Democratic leadership. Then-Councilwoman Tammy Morales scolded anyone who questioned the behavior of criminal demonstrators.

“What I don’t want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told that looting doesn’t solve anything,” she said during the unrest.

Our state’s chief law enforcer at the time, Attorney General Bob Fergson, stayed mostly silent about the destruction happening on our streets. He had by then made a national name for himself by suing the Trump administration dozens of times and had his eye on the governor’s office (which he went on to win in 2024). There was no way he’d risk angering his base by condemning leftwing extremism. Instead, he issued a short statement focused on criminal justice reform.

The media downplayed the violence, too. Even my own station took great pains to excuse or ignore criminal acts and play up non-criminal elements of the protests. 

No such pains were taken with J6ers.

That hypocrisy was the beginning of my yearslong red pilling.

In 2021, frustrated by new management and our coverage of both the riots and the pandemic, I quit my job in news to launch an independent show.

The biggest supporter of me walking away from my $185,000/year dream job?

My sweet, Trump-voting boyfriend.

I married him in the fall of 2023, five years after I almost let his support for Donald Trump steal the joy we now share. There’s little doubt that had I asked him in the early days of our relationship who he’d voted for in the 2016 election, I would have ended things.

Typing that now makes my heart hurt.


This past November, I voted for Donald. J Trump for the first time. And yes, my husband did too.

Today, more than any other emotion, I am full of hope and optimism for our country – finally free from the echo chamber that once soured me on Trump and his agenda. But I am also battling a tinge of guilt. Guilt for the viewers I let down in those early days of the Trump administration. Guilt over the wonderful life I almost cost myself.

For that, I offer a sincere apology to our 47th President (and my husband, for that matter). And I offer this advice to anyone upset by a second term of Donald J. Trump: Never let politics stand in the way of your happiness. And never be too stubborn to change your mind. 

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